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For some reason it has become trendy to buy food that has been marketed as natural or organic. Let us refer to the dictionary to understand this requirement:
(Chem.) Of or pertaining to compounds which are derivatives of hydrocarbons; pertaining to, or denoting, any one of a large series of carbon-containing compounds which are related to the carbon compounds produced by biological processes (such as methane, oils, fats, sugars, alcohols, ethers, proteins, etc.) and include many substances of artificial production which may or may not occur in animals or plants; -- contrasted with inorganic
so we think we can safely remove any allusion that foods marketed with either of these titles is any healthier for us than
a fast food burger and salty deep fried french fries.
We will try to grow as much food for themselves as reasonable possible, while trying new combinations and processes of preparing it. Feel free to post your hacked food/beverage combinations here.