Uploads by Pbug

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
07:09, 16 November 2005 Ffs.png (file) 6 KB rough outline of an ffs filesystem 1
07:02, 1 December 2005 Open-wifi-symbol.jpg (file) 5 KB This symbol is the Universal Warchalking Symbol to indicate an Open Wifi Network in the Area. It is chalked on all sorts of objects by Wardrivers. 1
07:21, 1 December 2005 Rj45-co.jpg (file) 16 KB take 4, it's finally right. 4
07:22, 1 December 2005 Rj45-st.jpg (file) 17 KB take 4, it's finally right. 4
11:25, 6 December 2005 Quadratic-formula1.png (file) 1 KB The formula for the quadratic formula 1
10:22, 15 May 2006 Pbug-spirit.jpg (file) 213 KB This is pbug in Summer 2002, allowing an Inukshuk to portscan him on the shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario. 1
07:00, 16 November 2006 Broadcast.jpg (file) 10 KB red is transmitter, blue is receiver 1
07:01, 16 November 2006 Multicasting.jpg (file) 8 KB red transmitter, blue receiver 1
07:01, 16 November 2006 Unicast.jpg (file) 7 KB red transmitter, blue receiver 1
07:02, 16 November 2006 Unicast-p2p.jpg (file) 19 KB red transmitter, blue receiver 1
07:08, 16 November 2006 Daisycast.jpg (file) 8 KB red transmitter, blue receiver 1
11:01, 16 November 2006 Lan-topologies.jpg (file) 6 KB From a book that tries to explain the matrix. 1
13:43, 12 March 2007 125px-Flag of Alaska.svg.png (file) 2 KB Flag of Alaska as taken from Wikipedia 1
11:39, 31 January 2008 Opa-the-jupe.jpg (file) 5 KB This is Opa the Jupe from Germany 1
06:10, 17 May 2008 Vmware.png (file) 137 KB an example vmware window 1
09:41, 23 May 2008 7osi.jpg (file) 21 KB 7 layer osi table 1
02:17, 24 May 2008 Network-stack.jpg (file) 71 KB network stack from claudio jekers paper on network stacks 1
02:50, 24 May 2008 Permission.jpg (file) 30 KB permission of /etc/passwd 1
13:01, 31 May 2008 Torix-day.png (file) 98 KB   1
05:58, 5 December 2009 OpenBSD-heap.png (file) 35 KB image taken from talk by Matthieu Herrb's talk at H2K9 paper called Protection measures in OpenBSD page 20, link is found here: http://homepages.laas.fr/matthieu/talks/openbsd-h2k9.pdf 1
16:27, 27 February 2010 Orion.gif (file) 47 KB Orion, the hunter. 1
08:44, 2 October 2010 Single-linked-list.jpg (file) 22 KB created with xfig a single linked list example. 1
08:27, 6 January 2011 Lanner1.jpg (file) 62 KB Lanner FW 7530B on my parents kitchen table. 1
02:53, 30 March 2011 Enigma.jpg (file) 47 KB Taken from the german book "geheime botschaften" by Simon Singh. 1
04:10, 1 April 2011 Smurf.jpg (file) 56 KB   1
02:27, 12 June 2011 Ethereal-01-big.jpg (file) 99 KB taken from www.superyachttimes.com 1
02:47, 12 June 2011 Tdaiot44os.jpg (file) 27 KB The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System, book cover. 1
11:15, 22 June 2011 3networks-unicast.jpg (file) 38 KB cleaned up a little bit with gimp 2
11:18, 22 June 2011 3networks-multicasting.jpg (file) 35 KB cleaned up a little bit with gimp 2
11:25, 22 June 2011 2networks-broadcast.jpg (file) 24 KB cleaned up with gimp on windows 2
04:40, 15 October 2011 Socket.jpg (file) 25 KB trim lines so that they don't overshoot past the edges of a square...? 2
10:04, 19 November 2011 Nsd-answer-centroid-eu.jpg (file) 156 KB A tcpdump with highlighted colours for individual protocols and sections. 1
17:52, 23 March 2012 Xor-spaceplot.jpg (file) 4 KB a 3D plot of an XOR'ed bsd kernel, the pattern is really noticeable 1
17:56, 23 March 2012 Aes-spaceplot.jpg (file) 6 KB a 3d space plot of AES-256 CBC 1
02:48, 26 September 2012 Dns.jpg (file) 26 KB colorized version of this image, cleaned up a little 2
12:02, 1 March 2016 Onemillion.png (file) 2 KB 2 million views 1